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Understanding My Child's Power Traits
A Self-Guided Course for Parents

Many students are expected to learn the same, perform the same, and produce the same, when in fact they are not the same. The ‘I AM’ Project addresses this myth by helping parents (and educators) better understand who their student is and how they learn best, so they can better prepare them to navigate school and ultimately succeed in life.
As we help children fully recognize and embrace the seed of who they are - their disposition, personality, interests, talents, concerns, hopes, passions and dreams – we can begin to truly tap into their motivation to learn.

The My Book of Me
The My Book of Me was created to help your student, and you, better understand who they are and how they learn best by identifying and understanding their Power Traits (i.e. disposition, modality, interest, smarts, and environmental needs)
The creators of this model, Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis, M.S. and Victoria Kindle Hodson, M.A., have found, through their research, that student-centered learning allows all students to have a customized learning experience that leverages their strengths and interests, and accommodates their distinct learning needs.
All students thrive when their unique aspirations, gifts, and cultural backgrounds are acknowledged and honored.As a result of student-centered approaches, learners feel understood and safe. When students feel safe, they are better able to learn, to persevere through struggles, and to become lifelong learners.
The foundation of our student-centered learning model is the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment.

My 'I AM' Book
This journal is designed to help youth reflect on who they understand themselves to be at this moment. It is understood that they will continue to grow and evolve as people, but who they are at their core has already been established. They are the way they are for a reason. Their personality, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses are clues to who they are becoming.
This journal is to encourage them to look inside themselves and examine all that matters most to them right now. How they define themselves is an important part of their journey.
They will be exhorted to reflect on that small voice inside of them, life-giving songs, books, scriptures, poetry, pictures, and messages that have shaped them! These reflections will help them begin capturing the ‘seeds’ of the kind of ‘tree’ they are becoming. The journey to who they are becoming begins NOW!

My 'I AM' Journey Self-Study Course
Helping You Clarify Who You Are & Why You Are through Identity Awareness Mapping
The My ‘I AM’ Journey Self-Study Course is designed to show you step-by-step how to discover and clarify: how you are wired, what matters most to you, your mission, passions, intrinsic drivers, and how they shape you and your life’s purpose. This course will show you how to create and utilize awareness tools and processes to help you live in alignment with your unique destiny. Participants in this course are often astonished by the awareness and clarity they are able to operate in when they have uncovered and embraced who they are at their core.

My Vision Book
My Vision Book (Home Edition) is larger and has more pages to envision than its more compact counterpart. This journal is designed for you to capture every thought and idea that gives breath to your life, without worrying about writing or presenting it perfectly.
This notebook is for your eyes only and it encourages you to ‘color outside of the lines’. Many ideas, insights, and epiphanies come to us in raw form and we need to honor them in whatever state they come. They may come from a small voice inside you, songs, books, blogs, poetry, pictures, sermons…record it!
They will never become polished until they are first acknowledged.

This journal was inspired by Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way. According to Ms. Cameron, Morning Pages "is a daily practice that is a bedrock tool of creative recovery. Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning."
Morning Pages, frankly, are healing and restorative. When done consistently, they will help center you and clear your mind, help you discover (or recover) your creativity, and deal with your inner critic.

The Messenger's Journal
The goal of this guided journal is to encourage and equip transformational leaders to further identify, clarify, and refine their God-given message and vision. This resource provides you with guiding questions and space to reflect on (and brainstorm) the 7 key topics a Messenger must address if they are going to clearly and strategically impact their tribe.
I pray this journal will help guide your reflective process and help you capture all of the major themes and nuances of your message. You will feel much more empowered to launch when you are clear about what God has given you to share, who you are as a Messenger, and who you are called to reach. Never underestimate how necessary you are and the message God has given you! It’s preparation time; your tribe is waiting!

The Messenger's Guide to Visioneering
This clarifying process was designed to guide you through the building blocks of identifying and clarifying your vision. It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to clarify your vision, write your vision, and make your vision plain if you ever plan to run with it and expect others to as well. (Habakkuk 2:2)
This Visioneering process is not something you can (or should) rush through. It will require intense times of reflection and vulnerability. You will need other’s feedback at various times along this journey to ensure you have added clarity.
How to Plan Your Book: A Step by Step Guide
Most, if not all, Messengers will find that their message needs to be captured via print. If you find yourself re-iterating the same message over and over again, it's time to consider capturing your wisdom in a book.
The goal of the 'How to Plan your Book Guide' is to help you do just that. This resource will help you brainstorm and plan out your book. You will be taken through a series of steps that will help you clarify everything from your writing goals, how to deal with distractions, and promotional activities. Writing a book is a foolproof way to clarify and share your message on a larger scale. It will also increase your reach, your visibility, and authority with your tribe!
The Messenger's Business Plan Template
The Messenger's Business Plan Template is designed with the transformational leader (life coach) in mind. As Messengers, we must have a plan if we want to steward our efforts and energies well.
The Messenger's business plan will require you to create more than just a detached document with numbers and projections. It will allow you to capture and speak to: who your ideal tribe members are, your mission and vision, and core values. It is from this foundation, that you will truly be able to serve those God has called you to reach, while running a well-thought and thriving coaching practice, ministry, or business.

The Messenger's Guide to Creating a Website
The goal of The Messenger’s Guide to Creating a Website Self-Study Course is to help you clarify, refine, and craft your God-given message so you can begin effectively reaching your tribe. It is not enough to have a message, we must have various platforms to share that message, and an online presence is a non-negotiable.
Your tribe needs to know where to find you, who you are, what transformation you offer, and more specifically, how you can help them. Your content and design can make the difference between your tribe understanding you and your message or missing the importance of your message altogether. We do not want them to miss the transformation you have to offer.